Thursday, May 30, 2013

miercoles, 29 de mayo

Today began just as our other school days, except when we got to school another group from the US was due in as well...28 of them.  The school was packed in its small hallways and with nearly 50 American students, it was obviously very loud.  We had our Spanish classes and then English after, but class was cut short so we could have our special group meeting for our Greece trip Friday!  After the meeting we were all required to stay for the guest speaker about the hero of Spain El Cid.  It was very interesting to listen to the lady talk, but this was my first day with no break and I was ready to get out of school.  After she ran a good 20 minutes over time and we were all fidgeting we headed back home for a good lunch.  We had the left over lasagna from the night before because Gemma had made a ton.  It was delicious again and the toasted bread with garlic rubbed on it was my favorite...minus the garlic taste I still have.

Jen and I then headed off to the Plaza de la Virgen to complete a cultural activity.  We decided we were going to climb the bell tower next to the Cathedral.  We didn't think much of it, we just knew that it was supposed to be spectacular views.  When we found the staircase that led up the tower Jen and I both looked at each other like "what did we just pay 2 euros for..."  Needless to say after 207 steps, exactly, going up a spiral staircase of stone, I had never been so happy to be at the top of a building before.  The stairs near the very top were much skinnier and steeper and that's when my body and mind started to get achey and not feeling too well.  When I finally saw the light at the "end of the tunnel" I put the pedal to the metal and quickly got to fresh air and sat down for a moment.
At the start of the stairs

When I stood up and looked above the railing it was easily one of the prettiest sites I have seen.  You could see the entire city, the Mediterranean, and the ocean.  It was the best way to view the city and definately worth the climb to get there.  After we took lots of pictures up there and mentally prepared ourselves to go back down, we began our decsent.  It was a good thing we left when we did because the stairs are the asme for going up and down and when we got to the bottom entrance, two classes of elementary kids were about to go up.  I would not have had the patience to deal with them.
La Plaza

Arts & Sciences Museum to the left

We then wandered around the little stands in the Plaza and got some souvenirs before heading back home to get some homework done.  There are two ladies staying with us for the next week from Italy.  One lady is the mom of Gemma's friend and the other is a friend of the mom.  The lady's daughter lives near Gemma.  Gemma told us they would be staying for a week but I had forgot momentarily until I opened our fridge and saw a giant wedge, probably 8 inches tall and 10 inches long, of Parmesan cheese from favorite!  Needless to say, I am veryy glad they are visiting for a little :)

We got some more homework done while we waited for dinner.  Gemma made us baked chicken with salad and bread which was veryy yummy, while one of the Italian ladies wipped up pasta with a fresh tomato and olive oil sauce for everyone else.  I was bummed we didn't get to try it but our meal was great!  After dinner we headed out to meet the group before heading to some bars.  We used the sales people in the streets to our advanatage and were able to scam free stuff along the way.  We eventually joined a "bar crawl" group that you are supposed to pay for but the guy let us all in for free and followed them to a few places.  All the bars were really neat and a lot of fun.  It started to rain so we were over being out real quick and headed back home to get ready for a day of packing for Greece Friday!

Cool bathroom sink at one of the bars

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