Wednesday, June 5, 2013

martes, 4 de junio

We were back to our daily grind Tuesday and started our day as usual with some good ole peanut butter toast and zumo de pina y uvas.  Our classes were all as they usually were, just normal conversations in Spanish and went over our English proposals.  We got out a little early to have extra time to work on our proposals so that was a nice change.  Jen and I returned home after school to a lovely lunch prepared by Jamel.  He made small meatballs, corquetas de pollo, patatas fritas, una ensalada, pan, y arroz blanco.  As always it was a ton of food and Jen, but of course by now we are experts at making it look like we ate more than we actually have.  We messed around with the salad and pile of bread to make it look like we ate some, when in reality we hadn’t even touched it, even though all the food was very good.

After lunch we gathered our things and went to the Royal gardens around the corner.  We worked on some homework there while getting our tan on at the same time.  It was much easier to get there than bother with the production of getting to the beach.  We stayed there a few hours before heading back home to spruce up before meeting with our intercambios.  Jake and John’s intercambios met with ours again and we all went back to the place we went the week before.  Getting there was much easier this go around because we didn’t make wrong turns…surprising, I know.  We ended up hanging out for a good 3 hours at the tapas place and it was just like we had all known each other for years.  We were making jokes and teaching each other slang in both Spanish and English. 

Intercambio Carlos

Grupo de todos

We headed home and Sam, one intercambio, walked back with us and come to find out she lives on our same street!  She was so sweet and easy to talk to.  She said her dream is to live in the U.S for a summer with a family because she really wants to practice English more and learn all about the culture.  Jen talked with her the whole way back in Spanish and she kept complimenting the two of us on how helpful we are and how sweet we are to everyone.  She said she wished she had met us weeks ago because she wishes she could’ve hung out with us more.  We got home and Jen and I immediately became sad when we realized we only have a week left and want to make extra time to hangout with Sam.

Sam y Lorzeno

We have really lucked out with everything this trip and we can’t get over how much we are going to miss the entire group of intercambios.  When we got home we worked on more homework and talked with the Italian ladies for a little about Greece.  Gemma and Jamel had gone out to a tapas festival near Benimaclet and invited us but we were bummed we couldn’t go because we had already committed to our intercambios, but it was definitely just as fun. 

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